Fun, friendly classes for people to feel empowered!

Group Fitness Training
Monday 6:00pm
Wednesday 9:15am
Saturday 8:30am
Group classes that are fun, supportive and suitable for all ages and abilities.
Classes are a combination of strength, cardio and boxing in a circuit style set up.
Exercise to revitalise, empower and feel great with regressions and progression depending on your needs.

The Jungle Body
Dance Fitness Classes
Monday 7:15pm
Thursday 6:30pm
Disco lights are on and the vibe is empowering in this 45 minute dance fitness class. Four bodyweight exercises per song means easy choreography and more time for fun with cardio, boxing, dance, squats, aerobics and great music!

Boxing Class
Tuesday 6:30pm
(1 hour class)
Boxing in a group setting, working in pairs alternating boxing and pad holding to get your blood flowing and make you feel strong.
Bring along your own gloves if you have them otherwise we have plenty to share.

Personal Training
Various times available at request
Contact Amanda
0422 599 195
Personalised sessions specific to your goals.
Flexible times suited to your schedule.
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Does the thought of a traditional gym make you anxious or lack excitement? Maybe you struggle to get motivated and are not sure where to start when you think about exercising and would love support to keep you consistent. Or are you looking for somewhere friendly with smaller class sizes to ensure your needs are focused on.
Amanda Nicolaou Fitness is here to support, empower and help people to feel better with exercise and just move without feeling judgement. You will be guided throughout with regressions and progressions when needed depending on your needs. Classes are fun, inclusive, work at your own pace, for all ages, abilities and fitness levels. No experience needed.
Dance fitness and group training to help you feel better, get fitter, stronger and have a clearer mindset in a supportive and friendly environment, move more, feel better get fitter and have a community of likeminded people to lean on for support and just have fun! Need a little more? Personal training is a great way to take it to the next step or even first step if group environments are not your thing.
About Amanda:
Being a mum of three Amanda found the struggles of everyday life overwhelming. She would constantly be tired, anxious and hustling to be everywhere on time and let the yo-yoing of her weight dictate her life even down to her career. Amanda disliked who she saw in the mirror and needed to change her mindset.
Amanda always enjoyed exercising and dancing but her weight would dishearten her to commit, be consistent and follow her passion to become a fitness instructor. After taking the step to qualify as a trainer for personal benefits Amanda invested in a coach to work on her fitness and mental wellbeing which changed her life and she finally realised that it does not matter what you look like on the outside, it's about your mental health and well being, feeling good within yourself and being happy that's important and can lead to you achieving great things!
The journey Amanda has been through has been so empowering and she would love to share it with you and help you find your way to greatness. If this speaks to you and you would like to find out more, reach out to her and let's embrace a transformative and supportive journey together. It will be amazing and so much fun!
Amanda Nicolaou Fitness xox